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The basics

Welcome to the Djamo Business API


We have two environments in which you will operate: staging and production.

You can use the Djamo Business API in test mode on the staging environment. That will not affect your live account nor interact with real Djamo clients.

When you are ready, you can switch to the production environment and start dealing with real money.

The API_KEY that you use to authenticate your API request and the BASE_URL will determine whether the request is in staging or production environment.

Base URLs

We refer to BASE_URL throughout this documentation to indicate the base url for your API requests. This base url will depend on which country you signed up for your Djamo Business account and on the environmment your are operating in.

Country Environment Base URL
🇨🇮 CIV staging
🇨🇮 CIV production
🇸🇳 SEN staging
🇸🇳 SEN production


As you can see above, we use ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes to refer to countries througout the documentation.